Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dyeing Easter Eggs

On Good Friday Xavier went to Grandma and Grandpa's house to dye Easter eggs with his cousin and aunts and uncles. When we first got there everyone held and played with Xavier. He was very good and gave everyone cute smiles and giggles. Then, after we had pizza for dinner, it was egg dyeing time.
 Xavier and Grandpa Deloit

Cousin Grant was the chief egg dyer since he's almost 2, but even he got a little confused about how it all worked. He, understandably, thought that he should use the spoon to drink the pretty liquid in the bowl. Apparently it wasn't that bad since he said "yummm", but he didn't try it again either =) Grant had a lot of fun spooning the dye over the eggs, and spinning an egg in the egg spinner.
Grant spinning an egg
Grandma Susie and Grant

Xavier mostly took everything in to remember for next year, and hung out. He did help Mommy dye a couple eggs for his basket.
Xavier dyeing his first Easter egg
Xavier and Mommy

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