Tuesday, April 26, 2011

GERD Update

As most of you know we've been working to get Xavier's GERD under control since he was 2 weeks old. We had a follow-up appointment with the GI specialist and it looks like we've got it as good as it's going to get. Our magic concoction is 1/2 breast milk, 1/2 Nutramigen (one step below prescription) formula, thickened with 1 1/2 teaspoons of rice cereal per ounce of liquid, fed every 3 hours.

The good news is Xavier almost never screams like he's being murdered anymore, and when he does cry it's almost always for a reason (tired, hungry, wet, etc. . ) The frustrating reality is that Xavier's what they like to call a "fat happy spiter". Meaning that even though we soak 2-3 bibs every bottle, since the puking doesn't bother him, he's gaining weight and meeting developmental milestones like he should, we just have to deal with the excessive amounts of throw-up. Maybe it's genetic, according to our mothers Dru and I both had the same issue until we were six months old.

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