Monday, February 7, 2011

Busy Weekend

Xavier was very busy this so we wanted to share pictures of him out and about.

Friday was bath day. Mommy's getting much better at baths in the baby tub, and Xavier likes to sit in the warm water and have mommy pour water over his tummy. After bath time Mommy put him in a cute outfit that Grandma Pam had sent.

Since he was clean and happy and dressed so cute, we decided to go visit Daddy's work. All of Daddy's co-workers thought he was very cute, and a perfect Angel. He didn't get crabby until we got back in the car, but it doesn't look like he wants to be a programmer.

Dru's family was meeting at his favorite restaurant, Maria's, for dinner so we decided to try our lucky going out for dinner as a family. We were a little worried, because Xavier tends to be most fussy around dinner time, but apparently Grandma Susie is magic.
When he started to fuss, she was able to calm him down. We even got a picture with Grandma and Grandpa, Daddy, cousin Grant and "the" Maria.
Our friends Greg and Paula, and their 18 month old little girl Hannah came over Saturday night. It was good to hang out with friends for a while. It much more difficult now that they all have kids, and we have a baby. I thought we could order pizza and watch a movie, silly me. I didn't realise how much 18 month olds move, and how little they sit still, even for a cartoon movie. But It was great, Paula cuddled, and fed, and burped Xavier and didn't even complain when she got spit-up on. We'll have to be careful though, Xavier already seems to be a ladies man, and has even gotten his first kiss.

Then on Sunday we had another first. We left Xavier with Dru's parents while we went to our friends house to watch some of the Super Bowl. It was the first time we've left him with a "sitter" and we were both kind of a mess. Dru's hoping that Xavier would behave, and me wondering how he was doing the whole time. I guess that never really goes away, since I know our parents wonder how we're doing all the time, even though we're all grown up. The good news is that Xavier, and Dru's parents, did great, and after a while we were both able to relax and enjoy some baby-free time.
Today it's back to our daily routine, Xavier seems pooped after our busy weekend.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

One Month Old

Just a quick update on life at our house. Over the past week we've been working on figuring out why Xavier is so unhappy most of the time. It's difficult to have a baby that's only ever asleep, eating, or cry/screaming. The Doctor thinks it's Acid Reflux. This is actually pretty common in newborns since the muscle between their esophagus and stomach isn't fully developed when they're born. So we're trying Zantac 3 times a day to see if that helps.

Sleep is still touch and go. We alternate between up every 3 hrs for 1.5 hrs, and sleeping for 4-5 hrs, awake to eat, and then back to sleep for 4-5 hours. Luckily I have a great husband who tries to get me as much sleep as possible before he goes to bed and on the weekends.

Xavier's current favorite spot is strapped to Mommy in his baby-sling. I have no idea how it can be comfortable for him, since he seems so squished, but he goes right to sleep as soon as I put him on. He also likes to be on his tummy on Daddy's chest wrapped in a fuzzy blanket.

That’s pretty much all for now.  Since Xavier is a month old now I wanted to make sure I get some pictures up so you can see how he’s growing.
This is Xavier and Daddy right after the C-section

Our first family picture taken the day he was born

Robert Martin, Andrew Martin, and Xavier Martin
 Xavier in his comming home outfit

First bath at home
 First outting to Wheatfields for breakfast the day after comming home

Sleepy baby and Daddy

First time in "real" (not a sleeper) Clothes. Thanks Uncle Austin and Aunt Jennifer.

Father and Son watching football
